What is love?

Have you ever wondered what love is? Go through this cute little story.

It was the last period in the last day of school. The students were sharing gifts with the class teacher. Many of them were crying. A boy stood up and went in front of girl. He gave her a rose and said, 'I Love you. She said, 'No is wrong.' The teacher saw this and asked, 'Who told you loving someone is wrong?' she replied that her parents told her. Meanwhile, another student stood up and asked the teacher, 'What is love? Why society take it so serious?' The teacher replied, 'It's time to go home guys. The answer to that question will reach your mailbox tonight.'

When the students checked their inbox, there was a mail from that teacher.

Dear Students!

Love. I wonder what will hit your mind when you hear the word love. I am talking about relationships. Some of you might have a question, ‘What does this love is gonna give to me? Will it improve my lifestyle?’ Some might say, ‘Love is divine, love adds meaning to one’s life, etc.’ The reality is, it is up to that person and I am not here to convince or justify anyone. Has anyone raised a question ‘What is love? Why people become so serious when it comes to love?’ I did. Love is some kind of emotional phase which every living being should come across. It’s nature. Every organism shares love but, no other living being rather than a human has emotional connectivity in the phase of love. The love we know is more complicated than they know only because of this emotional attachment. Many science freaks say that ‘Love is just a result of a chemical reaction in your mind. It is not the person in front of you.’ Yes, I agree with their claims. But, why that is happening? They never happen all the time. Why those reactions occur particularly when you are with them? Can they explain this? I bet they can’t answer this. These science freaks never understand such things that are related to something between the heart and the brain. All they know is to solve some equations and imagine themselves like a scientist. The reality is, love is something beyond science that no human can understand or predict. Love is something precious that God has given to us. As I said before, you can’t predict it. On the other hand, you won’t die without experiencing it. As a teacher, I can advise you to wait for your turn.

Love you all.



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