Years after quarantine

A letter to the next generation

Hey! decades passed, but the world is still in quarantine. When you were reading this letter in the future, I won't be there for you to hold and rub your cold hands to make you feel warm. I have been counting on my final strokes of breath. My eyes turned pale as there is none to cure my cataract. My legs stopped obeying my brain. My brain has announced its retirement. It has stopped its work one by one. All that I could do is just sit, lie on my bed and see the stars that I pasted on the walls when I am at the age of yours. My dear grandchildren decades ago, the earth was beautiful. It was filled with lots and lots of green trees, forests, animals, birds, and humans as well. But we, humans, didn't realise that nature is for each and every living being. We started using each and every resource that mother earth gave to her children without leaving for others. This created cancer on mother earth. Which made her angry. Then the day arrived, the beginning of something terrible which made us stay quarantined for decades. Something terrible started infecting humans. The infection was like a forest fire. We tried as much as possible. The government of each and every nation decided to announce nationwide quarantine. This created a great impact on both economy and the basic livelihood of the people. But, the worst part is that we didn't obey the order of the government. We took it so simple and most of us refused to stay quarantined. This created a very serious situation that, more than half of the human population was affected and half of the affected humans died. Within months, the sky turned yellow. The researchers said, " The impact of the pandemic went beyond limits. We can control the speed or deaths no more. It's the beginning of the end". But, some of them without losing hope tried their best. The entire world was collapsed. Many countries were shut down without even a single human being. The survivors were shifted to Canada and Africa. They started following strict orders. Many killed for not following the orders. It was far worse than anything that ever happened. All these happened just within a year of the outbreak. Days passed, months passed, years passed, those scientists who gave hope gave their lives during the research.  The entire future of the humankind was blacked out. Until then we were quarantined. The entire humankind started regretting their mistakes. All that we could do is, to settle down under the feet of mother Earth.  Happy quarantine my dear grandchildren...


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