Mr. Bharathwaj was a great businessman. He was one of the top 10 richest people in India. Unfortunately, he has fallen ill and got bedridden. There arises a dispute, ‘Who’s gonna take his position?’ Mr. Bharatwaj has three sons and a daughter. Hari, the elder brother. Anwar, the middle brother. Prem, the younger brother, and Pari the Youngest of all, one and only daughter of Bharathwaj. Mr. Bharathwaj married Yasmin out of love. But, they got separated. Pari and Prem were living with Yasmin.

Mr. Bharathwaj called Hari and Anwar. ‘I want to spend my final moment with complete happiness. Find my happiness. The one who gives me complete happiness will take my position.’ He said. Both were doing many things to make him happy. Anwar presented him with his most favourite painting from Italy. Hari presented him with the brand new Rolls Royce. They both discussed and bought him a brand-new beach resort. All these attempts ended up in vain. Mr. Bharathwaj was not completely happy.

Anwar asked, ‘Hari bhayya? Can we bring mom and the other two here?.’ Hari replied, ‘Aree! Don’t be a fool. If the other two come here, they will be extra competition and tension for us. What will you do if dad gives them the company and business?’ ‘It should be either you or me. Not those idiots.’ Said Anwar. Mr. Bharathwaj was listening all this through the window.

The following morning, Mr. Bharathwaj touched the feet of heaven. ‘It was early in the morning. Such a peaceful death. Bharathwaj is really lucky.’ Said Mr. Peter, a friend of Mr. Bharathwaj. He was found dead in his bed holding their family album strongly into his hands. They also found a letter on his table.

‘I miss my complete HAPPYness. My final wish was to see my complete HAPPYness together’

There were traces of his tears on the paper. Anwar and Hari were filled with guilt and their eyes flooded with tears. ‘Sorry papa….’ They both cried aloud and hugged his body tight. Hari called his mom and said, ‘Let's stay together forever ma. His happiness was us, Hari, Anwar, Prem, Pari, and Yasmin.


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