When the party's over #4

Kind attention to the readers,

I request you to read the previous episodes before reading this if you are reading this story for the first time.


It was raining outside and I was sitting on my couch, clouded with the thoughts of the woman I had seen. My eyes were heavy, but that dream, it took my desire away from sleep. I decided to pass the upcoming three hours on my couch awaiting the dawn. With a huge sigh, I leaned over the pillow, with my eyes gazing over the portrait of Billie Eilish. ‘Who would hate such a woman?’ I said and continued to stare at her portrait that was hanging on the wall. I turned on my television for some music, I jumped to youtube. It was there on the screen, a playlist named Billie. I hit the play button to let a dose of drug flow through my ears. I immersed myself into her world through her songs with a great start from ‘No time to die’ to a slow dose of heaven called, ‘When the party’s over!’ I just lost myself in her voice which made me dumb enough to miss to notice an incoming call. But my eyes were not, they picked up the light emerging out of the notification LED which was blinking for the past five minutes. They demanded to look who was that. But my legs and hands didn’t give a fuck about my eye’s demand. But, they didn’t stop demanding which triggered my brain very much enough to order my legs and hands to start their work in picking up the mobile. Unwillingly, my legs stood up, lifting my ninety kilos and my hands stretched enough to reach for the mobile. Eventually, after a great struggle, I took my mobile and clicked her buttons to wake her up. My fingers started caressing her, searching to know the person who called me at that time. I was surprised when I opened the call log. It was then, that I noticed that the same person had sent me a message too. It was her, the woman I was trying to forget. It was her, the person whom I love the most. It was her, the person I am scared to meet. It was her, the owner of the voice that was haunting me in my dreams. It was her, “The witch I fell in love with.”


Will be continued…


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