The Witch I fell in love with #1

    On a pleasant evening, I was there waiting for you in a place where the sky was covered with a blanket made of roses, cute little cupids with beaks singing and the trees were dancing to the tune of love. Then came the minions of colours to add some nectar to the place and finally, the carrier came, carrying the scent of your love to where I was waiting for you. I made sure that every inch of that place was filled with the love I had for you. There you came, like a queen’s envoy to her king, like a Rose to Jack, like an Olivia to Orsino, with your never-ending charm. You came in, like a fjord, that goes deep inside the heart of the land.

    All of a sudden, I felt something strange happening around me, every step you took forward, I began to move away from you. It was not my feet that were moving. I felt the scent of ghouls around me. I felt like, I was held tight to their hands that took me away. It was then, that I lost the scent of your love, the place grew colder, the cupids stopped their rhyme and the crows filled the trees. The trees, they were no more dancing, they stood still as if they were frozen. The branches were naked. The minions who took the nectar of colours, fell one by one, freezing to death. The place that I considered heaven, the place that was filled with love, seemed like a burnt battlefield filled with corpses and vultures. The carrier who carried the scent of your love, brought to me a foul smell of a witches brew to seduce men and you, my dear, you were there, not like a queen’s envoy, but as a witch with a goat’s horn piercing out of your head, you were coming to me like a fjord made of everything that was dead. the sky which was covered with a blanket made of roses turned into a blanket made of blood and tissues. I heard some monstrous voice from above, far beyond the blood-soaked clouds. Within a few seconds, those clouds broke out, pouring down all the blood they bore, soaking me with the blood and tissues of the dead.

    ‘What the fuck?’ I shouted a loud waking up from the nightmare. It was two minutes for the clock to hit two at night and I heard someone was calling me over the phone at this time, which was dead for the past two months.


Will be continued…


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