Close your eyes, dear!

A kind note to all the readers,
This is the third episode of the series named “The Witch I fell in love with.” I suggest you to read the first two episodes before reading it.

    ‘Wake up,’ a disembodied voice hit my ears from a place that was away from my sight. The voice was smoky, soothing, comforting and sweet. There is no man in this world who could possibly hate a person with such a sweet voice. I was very much curious to see the woman behind that voice. I started walking in the direction of that voice. I knew I was dreaming. Unlike the previous dream, this one was quite beautiful to my eyes but filled with wiggling worms and a disgusting odour that was following me from the previous dream. I was not a noobie to such dreams. I used to dream a lot and I’ve seen places which were much worse than this. But, the one thing that was new to me was the voice. I never heard such a voice in any of my dreams. All those voices I heard were the screaming minions and shrilling demons. I was walking for a long time now. But was just a few meters ahead of the tree I was standing. The place I was stranded in my dream was filled with mysteries and I could sense some strange magic that was lingering around the place. A few meters ahead, I saw a strange seal with some inscriptions on the ground, they were more like runes. I had my own doubts about the purpose of those runes.

    ‘Do they act as a gateway to a place far away?’

    ‘Maybe these runes are here to prevent something from entering this realm.’

    The seal was in front of me, and a single step forward to stand atop, it was then they started conflicting. The conflict between wit and courage, the angel and devil, my mind and my heart.

    ‘Come on, give it a try,’ said the devil.

    ‘This is a new place and you know nothing of it. So, step aside,’ advised the angel.

    But I was tired of witnessing their fight. A long time ago, one such conflict arose between them and the devil drove me mad enough to enter a deadly place that changed my entire life. ‘Oh! I still remember that terrible place.’ I said to myself and drifted away from the seal.

    ‘A good choice. You should not disturb the dead,’ said a stranger standing behind me. I turned towards that woman with an urge to see her. The exact voice that was telling me to wake up. It was her voice. The moment I saw her, the happiness inside me was blown away. The devil inside me started shivering and the angel was frozen. It was her, the witch I saw on the battlefield. The witch who walks among the dead and feeds among the lives. The witch with the horns of a goat piercing out of her head. She slowly came to me with a weird giggle, licking her blood-soaked fingers.

    ‘Close your eyes, dear!’ said the witch with her smoky voice and then everything went dark.

Will be continued...


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