The Mansion #3

    Previously, on the mansion. A man was driving back to his home from his office amidst heavy unforgiving rain. His car got broke down, leaving him stranded in the middle of a highway in solitude. After some time, he found an old abandoned mansion. He decided to seek shelter in the mansion for the night and opened the main door. He could not believe his own eyes about what he saw. It was some kind of demonic worship that was happening inside the mansion and a strange woman appears eventually, finding out the protagonist hiding behind the couch.

Episode 3:

    ‘Fuck! I’ll be dead meat if they lay hands on me.’ I said to myself with a bladder full of fear. The main door of the mansion was still open and I had no other go but to run like a fucking rabbit to save my precious ass from these bitches.

    ‘Get that bastard…’ shouted the elder witch and her puppets started chasing me like a bloodhound hunting its prey.

    I was running as fast as I could to get away from them. It was raining like something else that night and the darkness around me, tore my courage apart and covered me with a cloak of insecurity. After running a few miles away from that mansion, I thought I was safe from those witches. I was standing in the middle of a highway with a dead mobile and an iron rod for my defence. I decided not to waste any more time. So, I started walking my way home. The pursuit took my breath and energy off me. I was just bones and flesh with meagre electricity inside me for my motors.

A few miles ahead,

    After walking a few miles ahead, I eventually saw a lantern. I was out of words to express my relief and happiness to find someone, someone who gives us a ray of hope at dark times. I rushed towards the lantern and the person who was holding it.

    ‘Hey, you. The guy with a lantern. I need help.’ I shouted at the person. When I got close to him,

    ‘Oh holy motherfucker!’ I whispered to myself with trembling hands.


To be continued…


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