The Mansion #1

    On a rainy night, I was driving back to my home from the office. It was heavy rain that flooded the road. I could see nothing but a layer of fog in front of me. The wiper wasn’t helpful this time. I was listening to a podcast about paranormal research. Doctor Dorian was sharing her paranormal experiences with her audience and she was telling about her findings and conclusions, after years of research in that field. She concluded that ghosts are some entities. She wasn’t sure about its existence. But she concluded that there was no proof to say that there are no ghosts around us. She had a theory, stating that there were other paranormal entities around us. She believed that they do exist but in a different dimension. She said that these entities are not in the dimension we used to live in for thousands of years. The podcast was very much interesting and I was driving my way home. Usually, it would take me 40 minutes of drive to reach my home. But, that night was different. The rain and the flood made it impossible for me to reach home. Out of blue, my car went crazy enough to stop in the middle of the road. The floodwater somehow managed to get inside the exhaust and fucked everything up. Slowly, the water started flowing inside the car. I was sitting inside the car with headlights turned on. But the battery would be dead at any time. Outside, it was pitch-black and no one would dare to go out in a night like this. I was simply, sitting inside the car,  listening to the podcast and waiting for any vehicle to pass by. Thirty minutes passed. Surprisingly, not even a bicycle crossed me. I was a little bit scared because of the darkness outside and the roaring rain from above. I took my mobile and stepped outside the car, the rain was still pouring heavily. It felt like I was standing under the rain of pebbles, not water droplets. After walking a few meters, I saw an old mansion, holding a board in its entrance. But what was written on the board was not clear. It seemed like an abandoned mansion. I decided to seek shelter in this mansion this night. So I walked further inside. When I opened the main door, it opened with a screeching noise. What I saw after opening the door, thrilled me enough to puncture my eyes.


To be continued…


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