The girl on the radio

    The sudden knock at the door gave me a heart attack. The humidity inside the room brought down some droplets of sweat from my forehead. I left that package open on the couch and went for the door. Someone was pounding the door so hard. “Hey, why couldn’t you use the calling bell?” I shouted. Suddenly they stopped pounding. When I went near the door to unlock it, I heard someone screeming outside in an eerie voice. That shook me like I was in the heart of an earthquake.


    What the fuck? Who was it? Was it Neela? a dozen of questions crossed my head. Shit, it was like some psychic maniac screaming at my doorstep. I peeked out through the keyhole. There was none out there. Was it Neela playing tricks on me? With ample hesitation, I unlocked the door and slowly opened it to peek outside. It seemed like the rain lost some pace, water dripping down from the edge of the ceiling forming a small pool under it. The passage was slippery due to rain. I took every step forward with loads of fear. My hands were trembling. Was it the cold or the fear causing my hands to tremble? Maybe both I guess. The power didn’t come back yet. It was pitch black outside. I was finding my way with the help of my mobile torch. Out of blue, I heard some noise from inside of my house. Shit, I left the door open. I made my steps inside with hesitation. It was creepy being inside. The power backup went off. It was supposed to give power till sunrise. The mobile in my hand was the only source of light. The rattling noise from the kitchen wasn’t stopping. It might be some filthy cat inside. But, what if that was something else making that noise? I crouched my way towards the kitchen door. Adding more surprise, the door was closed. A sudden noise behind me shook my nerve. It was the goddamn radio. After a few seconds, I heard someone talking on that radio. It was a girl, seemed like a child.

    Can you see me? Hello? Can you find me? Can you find me? I’m here. behind you, look. Behind you. I'm behind you. I am right behind you.

    This thrilled me because that radio stopped working years ago. It was there in the memory of my mom. I was scared and about to run away from that place. But the girl continued talking.

     Don’t be scared. I just wanna play a game with you. Hey, don’t you run away. Please stay. Stay with me. If you don’t come and play with me, we will kill you. Hehehe… hmmmm… hmm… hmmmmmm… hmmmm… the humming continued.

    It was extremely creepy to listen to. Then the girl started singing something.

    Incy wincy spider went up the water spout

    Down came the rain and washed the spider out

    Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

    So, incy wincy spider went up the water spout again

    Incy wincy spider went up the water spout

    Down came the rain and washed the spider out

    Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

    So, incy wincy spider went up the water spout again

    Hehehe… hehehe… hehehehehe… The eerie laugh continued and she started humming again as same as she hummed before.

    Now come and find me you pathetic fuck. She shouted in a voice of an adult woman whose vocal cords are brutally damaged. My clothes went wet again. This time it wasn’t the rain. The sweat from my body soaked my clothes and my hands started trembling. I could not hold my mobile in my hands. Suddenly I felt a woman’s hand pressing on my shoulder.


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