Episode 3 - Love Triangle

    Ram took his mobile from his pocket. It was a brand new iPhone 11. He clicked the power button to light it up. Inside his gallery, there were a bunch of photos. He showed her one of the photos from his gallery.

    ‘Umm… Zee, I haven’t confessed it till now. But I feel that today, it’ll be perfect to confess my love. Look, she’s Nandhini. She’s doing sociology in our college. I went to see her this morning. I lied to my parents that I am going to college today. It’s like a dream you know. We met in a coffee shop, it was like a date. Eventually, I confessed my love to her, and damn, I saw it in her eyes you know? And she said yes to my love. How’s she?’ asked Ram.

    Zee was shocked as well as surprised, listening to Ram. Her smile and happiness was shattered into ashes and dust in a fraction of a second.

    ‘Uhh, yeah fine. Sorry good…. Uhh hmm she’s good,’ said Zee. Her face went down, eyes looking all around her but Ram. Her smiling lips shrank themselves, and she stepped aside Ram, two steps away from him. Her eyes went red and Ram could notice how glittery it was.

    ‘I am sorry. I have to go home. Mom called me, it’s urgent,’ told Zee.

    ‘Wait,’ said Ram, holding her hands tight and firm.

    ‘I have to go, Ram,’ she told not even looking at him. He left his hold of her as soon as she said that.

    He was blind enough to notice her emotion. But, Jo, the one who was watching all this, noted her emotion. He stopped her and asked,

    ‘Hey, Zee? Where are you going?’ She pushed Jo aside and scurried out of his house.

    Ram was looking at his mobile screen, the photo he took with Nandhini in the coffee shop. Where both were smiling with loads of happiness.


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