Little Nightmares - Episode 1

    On a Monday night, everyone in the house was sailing deep into the ocean of sleep. But, I was not doing the same. I was stranded back on the shore waiting for by boat to arrive soon. In the meanwhile, when I was lying on my bed, gazing at the roof, I felt something strange around me. The air around me grew thicker over time, making it difficult for me to breathe. There was also this foul smell coming from outside of my room. When I stood up from my bed, I was surprised to find my grandpa missing from his bed. I could see a light from the living room through the cleave on my door. When I opened the door, I was thrilled to see the mess that was waiting for me. There was a flame burning in the middle of the living room and I could see my family lying down with tied hands and taped mouth. I went near my brother to wake him, who was lying close to me. I didn’t realise that the real nightmare awaits ahead. As I went near him, I saw his slit throat. It was spine-tingling to look at my own family lying dead in an eerie manner. Everyone except me was dead and at that moment I realised that I was standing in a pool of blood. Human blood. I rushed into my room to switch on the lights. There awaited me another nightmare. I was drenched in blood and my clothes were torn here and there. There was a knife near my pillow with blood stains and minute tissues sticking to that blade. I saw a shadow falling into my room. When I looked up, this strange woman was standing near the fire amidst the corpses of my family. She was standing naked and she wore a goat skull on her head which was stained with blood. She stabbed those corpses and applied their blood all over her body. She then looked at me and waved her fingers calling out my name. I stepped aside from her. But it was too late for me to realise that whatever I did, it took me towards her. I was also hearing whispers of my family inside and around me.

    ‘Slit your throat to come out of this.’

    I was stepping towards her. I could see her wicked smile through that skull. I suddenly slit my own throat with the knife I was holding. After which the woman started screaming out aloud. I could see her anger as I was slowly dying and my eyes closed gradually.

    ‘Hey wake up. It’s time to go.’

    I heard a voice from a distance that gradually came near me.

    ‘Hey, Ram. It’s Monday morning. Wake up,’ said my mom.

    I woke up with a fright, ‘What? Monday?’


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