Am I a psycho?

    On a terrible evening, where the sky was filled with burning clouds of moisture. The sky lost its beauty of blues and turned sad and dark. I was standing in a place filled with a dozen idiots running here and there to fill their filthy greed filled minds and unsatisfied and never-ending hunger. I was in the middle of a dark blackish grey colour road, holding a face mask on my left hand. In the meanwhile, my right hand was pestering my pockets. The noise from the surrounding started fucking up my mind like a full-fledged psychotic thriller film. Being, already fucked, my mind was ready to bear the bangs from my surroundings. I was dressed in a costume in which all 99 per cent of the people my age would wear. As the proverb says, “Face is the index of mind”, my face replicated my mind being fucked up brutally. A few moments later, it somehow managed to escape the hardcore session and suggested me a marvellous idea. Even a kid in their early teens would’ve said that the idea is entirely crap. But, I had no more options to distract myself and save my mind.

Wait, you might ask, ‘Why were you standing in the middle of a road?’ Even I didn’t know why I was standing there amidst a heavy downpour.

I gently took my earbuds and plugged em up into my ears and I was surfing through my playlist filled with songs of Billie and, suddenly I heard an eerie voice inside me. It was like a sonic wave passing through my brain. Then my vision started blacking out.

“Stay calm, slowly open your eyes, now you’re safe, fine and peaceful,” said a man’s voice in front of me. There was a tall, sturdy person standing in front of me. He was dressed in white, like a doctor, not the usual one. His outfit seemed strange. I then realised that I could not move my hands and legs anywhere. They were cuffed with the bed I was lying and my head was tied with the bed with a strong belt made of leather.

There was a board near the entrance of the room, “Psychiatric Ward.”


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