
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Frozen woman

     “Hey, why are you standing here?” asked the woman from behind. I sighed with relief and took a deep breath. It was Neela standing behind me. Her presence gave me some relief. It was still dark. “I’ll go check the power backup. You get yourself seated on the couch,” said Neela. Oh shit! The package. I rushed to the couch and took the package. Inside, there was an envelope with a red seal. I found a parchment inside the envelope. There was something written in that envelope. Come play with me      Fear consumed my head. I felt something wrong is gonna happen tonight. Who wrote this to me? Who was that girl who called me earlier? I took my phone to find her number in the call log. The number was gone. There were no calls to my number. The message I got from that woman also went missing.      The sky started rumbling with thunder and the light from the lightning peeked inside through the windows.      I was nervous sitting on that couch. It’s creepy being there alone. It’s bee

The girl on the radio

    The sudden knock at the door gave me a heart attack. The humidity inside the room brought down some droplets of sweat from my forehead. I left that package open on the couch and went for the door. Someone was pounding the door so hard. “Hey, why couldn’t you use the calling bell?” I shouted. Suddenly they stopped pounding. When I went near the door to unlock it, I heard someone screeming outside in an eerie voice. That shook me like I was in the heart of an earthquake.      Aaahhhhhhh…..Eeeeeeeee…      What the fuck? Who was it? Was it Neela? a dozen of questions crossed my head. Shit, it was like some psychic maniac screaming at my doorstep. I peeked out through the keyhole. There was none out there. Was it Neela playing tricks on me? With ample hesitation, I unlocked the door and slowly opened it to peek outside. It seemed like the rain lost some pace, water dripping down from the edge of the ceiling forming a small pool under it. The passage was slippery due to rain. I took

The package from a girl

    Thunder rumbling like a roar of thousand lions. The sky was getting darker over time. The wind was becoming heavier than usual. The lantern that was hanging on the ceiling of my porch took the place of a pendulum inside a wall clock but a violent one. It seemed like it was about to fall off its hook. The power went down as I was expecting it to happen. At times like these, it is usual that the power goes off. I was glad because I had a power backup for my house. It was around 10 at night, the time when the entire neighbourhood goes to sleep. I was sitting near the closed window of glass, pecking outside waiting for Neela. She was working late and told me she would come home by 10. The rain slowly started replacing the cloud’s roar. Droplets fell on the window leaving a trial of its path to the ground. It took pace over time completely replacing the thunder. The rain was heavier than usual. Was it a cyclone again? Fortunately, I couldn’t turn on my television as there was not enough