
Showing posts from May, 2021

Episode 5 - She's Coming

       When he turned back, he saw an old man. He couldn’t predict his age. The man doesn’t seem like an earthling. His hair was blonde as others, but his face was quite different from ours. He was holding a long staff, it wasn’t a usual Oldman staff. It resembled those which we would have seen in Hollywood movies and games. The possession of the leader of a tribe or a group of people. The man was standing sturdy, and he was smiling at Ram.      ‘Raaaaammmmm,’ the voice again hit inside my mind.      ‘Is that you? The voice inside my head?’ he asked.      He replied nothing but a smile. His smile was strange. Ram hasn’t seen such a weird smile in his entire life.      ‘Now speak up or you’ll have to answer my fists,’ he said and raised his hands to beat him up.      ‘They are gonna die… hahaha…’ said the old man and laughed.      ‘Hey, old man, what the fuck is wrong with you? Huh?’ Ram shouted at him. But the old man replied nothing, he was standing there and kept on smili

Episode 4 - Raaaaaammmm

At present…      Ram was sitting under a tree with his bike parked nearby, his hands were holding his mobile, the photo which he showed Zee a year ago filled the screen. The morning breeze was caressing his messy hair. He didn’t have a haircut for months as the entire world was struggling under the roof.      ‘I am your happiness,’ the words told by her were circling around his ears. His eyes glowed in pain and emotion, but at the end of his eyes, there was a revelation. It showed that he was trying to come out of her thoughts.      He touched the photo which revealed a menu that had options to share, edit and delete. He decided to erase off her from his mind, he deleted that photo. He shut his phone dead and stood up. His suffocation somehow came to an end and the rising sun kissed his face with hope, happiness, and a warm smile that was missing in his face for a long time.      He was looking at the emerging sun’s beauty from the queen of hills. He felt a lot better, happier th

Episode 3 - Love Triangle

     Ram took his mobile from his pocket. It was a brand new iPhone 11. He clicked the power button to light it up. Inside his gallery, there were a bunch of photos. He showed her one of the photos from his gallery.      ‘Umm… Zee, I haven’t confessed it till now. But I feel that today, it’ll be perfect to confess my love. Look, she’s Nandhini. She’s doing sociology in our college. I went to see her this morning. I lied to my parents that I am going to college today. It’s like a dream you know. We met in a coffee shop, it was like a date. Eventually, I confessed my love to her, and damn, I saw it in her eyes you know? And she said yes to my love. How’s she?’ asked Ram.      Zee was shocked as well as surprised, listening to Ram. Her smile and happiness was shattered into ashes and dust in a fraction of a second.      ‘Uhh, yeah fine. Sorry good…. Uhh hmm she’s good,’ said Zee. Her face went down, eyes looking all around her but Ram. Her smiling lips shrank themselves, and she ste

Episode 2 - Hey, what happened?

One year ago… In Ram’s house, everyone was hustling and bustling all over the house. Ram’s father Dev was the only person who was sitting idle, reading a newspaper. He was dressed in a grey shirt which was well ironed and stiff, with a white dhoti as pure as it was imported from heaven. The couch he was sitting on was cozy, and good-looking in its maroon colour. ‘Dev? What are you doing?’ a voice blew his ears from behind. It was his wife Megha, she was cooking inside the kitchen, cursing the utensils for not being easy to handle. There were two more people in the house, it was Jo and Zee. They were preparing for Ram’s birthday party. Ram was on his way from college. ‘Can’t you see? I am reading a newspaper, and what is he doing in college on a Sunday?’ he told without even diverting his eyes from the paper. ‘Throw that paper away and help me. There’s a lot to arrange,’ she shouted from behind. Dev was pretending like he didn’t hear any of her rants. Dev threw the paper away

Episode 1 - Not a Happy Birthday

       Nine minutes after midnight. Ram was sitting in front of his laptop, staring at the dark screen. He could see nothing as the lights were turned off. The silence inside his room made the ticking sound of the clock louder than usual. He seemed depressed and worried, sitting on a red Nilkamal chair, he understood that there is no use in staring at the empty screen. He shut the lid of his 2 years old Acer Nitro 5 down. He stood up and walked towards the washroom. His face was dull, eyes were red and swollen. His bloodshot eyes were flooded with emotion that made him hard to breathe. He filled the sink with water and splashed it on his wet face. The salty water in his face was replaced by the one in the sink. He was in extreme pain which made him avoid looking at the mirror. A sudden flash of light hit his eyes which attracted him towards the window. The glowing lights of the city greeted him. The road was still populated with some vehicles. The air from outside composed him, brought